Croup More Condition_treatment My Baby Has Croup, Does It Sound Like More?

My baby has Croup, does it sound like more? - croup more condition_treatment

Yesterday I discovered that my daughter has croup 7 months. She woke with a cold. And now, a fever of 99-101 ... not yet ... Maybe it's normal Mom, I'm not sure if I'm new and very paranoid! All responses are welcome. :)


Anonymous said...

It is a myth that babies run a temp of the dentition. Cancel parents swear up and down, but not true. Fever is a way for the body to fight an infection or virus.

Fever is a good sign and shows your body tries to fight infection. Until then we are at 104, it is OK. 104 and really needs immediate attention.

Anonymous said...

It is a myth that babies run a temp of the dentition. Cancel parents swear up and down, but not true. Fever is a way for the body to fight an infection or virus.

Fever is a good sign and shows your body tries to fight infection. Until then we are at 104, it is OK. 104 and really needs immediate attention.

Anonymous said...

It is a myth that babies run a temp of the dentition. Cancel parents swear up and down, but not true. Fever is a way for the body to fight an infection or virus.

Fever is a good sign and shows your body tries to fight infection. Until then we are at 104, it is OK. 104 and really needs immediate attention.

Anonymous said...

My mother and stepmother, both swear by spilling hot water in the steam until they are satisfied, and with her baby in her about 10 or 15 minutes. This helps to drain their mucus. However, I only use a warm mist vaporizer:]

And according to my pediatrician, a child's fever a good sign that your body works. However, a temperature of 104 or more a matter of great concern is. In 7 months, the body of his daughter in a position to localize the infection and is probably a great work towards the ridge itself. If the fever is endemic, there is no reason to take him to hospital.

Croup cough sounds terrible, but. Water vapor also contributes. :]

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